About Me

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I am a wife a mother and a grandmother. I have seven children and seven grandchildren. I decided to take on this challenge of studying again for a caree change. I am a liitle frustrated with the puplic health system. So I think it is time for a change.

Friday, April 9, 2010

My Synopsis

My Reflective Synopsis.

I am currently a student at C.Q. University studying for a graduate diploma of learning and teaching. Included in this course is ICTs for learning and design. My reflection for this course is as follows.

I have found this ICT learning journey to be very challenging, frustrating at times and a very steep learning curve. I started this course with a very basic knowledge of technology and what technology there is available. This experience has been a big WOW factor, the more I delve into this world of technology the more fascinating it becomes. I was a little put off by the amount of material on line and did not know where to start. Being a flex student I have found it even more of a challenge. I think I would benefit more with face to face teaching in this subject. Sometimes you feel you are out in cyberspace all by yourself. With the pressure and time frames of completing the necessary task for this subject and the other three subjects associated with this course it has indeed been a challenge.

After the initial shock I settled into and tackled this course head on and with a positive attitude. Today's students and more importantly students of the future will embrace this technology with open arms and minds. It is the way forward; computers will be the new blackboard of the class room. The pedagogy strategies we have discussed during this course so far all relate to engaging the student and having lessons be student focused and not teacher focused. I think by embracing and developing, better and more in-depth technology skills, the journey will become easier and more rewarding. The students will have more control over their learning experience.

Research is made easier by the use of the internet, there is nothing that cannot be googled. Communication sources are multiplying, first I learnt to email and I thought that was fantastic. Now I have three blogs and a wiki site that I am able to communicate with anyone around the world who cares to view these sites. I also have designed a power point for this blog site and have added an Avatar just for fun. The link to my power point is available through this blog. Power point display can be made to cater for any subject; it can involve some very dynamic approaches. They can be as long or short as you need them to be, they can become very eye catching with the use of colours and pictures to enhance the subject matter. The use of icons in your power point can remind the young students of the focus of the topic. For example, a study of 'The Life Cycle of Frogs' would have pictures of frogs on every slide.

The use of blogs as stated on this site under ‘creating my blog’ is an effective tool for the students to communicate with each other and to share their ideas and to learn from each other. Blogs can be made private or public and can invite followers to comment on the postings you make on the blog. The blog also provides a means to learn from one another. Another form of communication I was introduced to is the use of discussion forums. I have found this very useful and helpful. I have been able to support my peers when needed. I have been able to access this forum to communicate and discuss a range of topics an involving a number of subjects. This form of communicating was made readily available by the lecturer as part of the topic discussion and reflections. I have enjoyed being able to respond and evaluate my peers thoughts and discussions on the forums. I am aware of the improvement of the skills of myself and my peers with being able to use this technology. I reflect on my early entries where I was a bit anxious about the tasks that lay ahead. There were many entries posing help questions and wanting advise on set up steps for the blogs, wiki and Mahara etc.

As posted on this blog under My Mahara I have stated the difficulties I found with Mahara I would like to again emphasise that Mahara is an extremely valuable e. Journal for any chosen career path. This tool can grow with me - I can build up an enormous amount of resources and have this resource saved in one place in one filling system. My Mahara e.Journal will create for me a resume that will enable me to produce a full account of my experience and learnt skills to any employment interview I may encounter. All of the above mentioned tools will advantage me and my students in our learning journey.

In conclusion, I believe the use of technology can be used to enhance any curriculum. Technology will increase the knowledge of the teacher and the student by the open playing field that is available to all. Technology will advantage any student or teacher promoting a real and successful learning journey. The inclusion of technology in lesson planning assists the teacher in engaging the students making outcomes superior and creates a higher order of thinkers. Technology will stretch the imagination of all who use it. Technology allows the user to be creative, imaginative and well rehearsed in planning and executing the lesson. Technology producers a vast range of information to support, improve and advance the knowledge that is to be imparted to any student.

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