About Me

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I am a wife a mother and a grandmother. I have seven children and seven grandchildren. I decided to take on this challenge of studying again for a caree change. I am a liitle frustrated with the puplic health system. So I think it is time for a change.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


This was a challenge of the very worst kind This is an excellent tool as a resume but it is very complicated in it's design set up. It seem to repeat the steps and the aim become a maze. In theory I can follow in practicle I need more time and having time contraints and this is not the only subject I am needed to be focused on I found it a great time consumer.
Mahara is desinged to grow with your journey to add as you go. I understand how valuable this eJournal will be at the compleation of this course having all that I am and all that I have become in one area to produce at any interview I may attend. I don't really see the need to spend and have the added stress of learning this site in six weeks. I will attempt to compleate all tasks asked of me But I know I will be adding and dressing up MY MAHARA at a much later date.

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