About Me

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I am a wife a mother and a grandmother. I have seven children and seven grandchildren. I decided to take on this challenge of studying again for a caree change. I am a liitle frustrated with the puplic health system. So I think it is time for a change.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Edited image from Picnik

I used the wonderful free easy-to-use image editor Picnik, and attached these images to demonstrate what it can do!

First I uploaded an image to Picnik in order to have a image to work on. I then proceeded to edit the image by cropping, rotating and using the one-click Auto Fix feature. Next, I went into the create tab and selected the 'Boost' effect to enhance the colour of the image. I then saved the image and uploaded it the blog, as you can see below. I have also included the original image so you can see a before and after shot for comparison.
This would be a fun lesson for students they could become very creative in design and application. The students could create cards for mothers day and fathers day etc. This lesson could involve the use of two K.L.As. literacy and art.

Before image
After image

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anne,

    Your altered image looks fantastic! I agree that students could be very creative through their use of picnik - especially those with a flair for desk top publishing and digital graphics. Using a site like picnik could spice up your typical Friday afternoon 'collage type' activity into an exciting digital art experience! And of course, as you mentioned, it would be a great way to incorporate art with other KLAs into a lesson.

    Kind regards,
    GDLT - Primary
