About Me

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I am a wife a mother and a grandmother. I have seven children and seven grandchildren. I decided to take on this challenge of studying again for a caree change. I am a liitle frustrated with the puplic health system. So I think it is time for a change.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Google Earth

Google Earth as a teaching tool has endless possibility. This tool could be used in the teaching of SOSE where the children could explore Australia in real time We could visit Ayers Rock, looking at the pictures, maps surrounds the different colours the rock exposes. This site provides maps of the area. Another area this tool could be used is maths. We could google our school and look at the buildings and measure the area and perimeter of the buildings. A lesson for literacy could be when we visit a small country of the world and compare the size and cultural difference we could design a postcard and write a greeting on the back this would involve two KLAs writing and creative arts.This site could also be just for fun.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anne
    I have been using Google Earth for quite a few years now, just for fun. I look up things that I hear about (just to check them out. eg. the 7 star hotel in Dubai). If adults can get so much enjoyment out of it then we should be able to set really interesting tasks for the students. It will be fantastic for SOSE. I have also seen interactive world globes in K-Mart that would be a useful tool in primary school.
    The possibilities are endless!!!
    Have fun.

