About Me

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I am a wife a mother and a grandmother. I have seven children and seven grandchildren. I decided to take on this challenge of studying again for a caree change. I am a liitle frustrated with the puplic health system. So I think it is time for a change.

Friday, April 30, 2010

lesson plan

My year 2/3 are doing a unit of work titled "Camping"
I will design my lesson following this theme. I will design the first lessont hat will involve the most ICT use.
The children will work in groups of 4x8 in each.
Plan: length 35mins.
K.L.A's: ICT, Literacy, design, numeracy and S.O.C.E.
This lesson plan will involve the ICT and literacy component of the total KLA's to be used during the unit.
Declarative knowledge:
The children have basic typing skills and internet searching.
Procedural; Ways of working
The children will brows the internet to discover the national parks located in Bundaberg.
They will download the information including a map of the area of their chosen park (for the purpose of this lesson will be MONREPO) They will search for the river nearest to Monrepo. (This will be the Burnett River) They will research the fish and other species of animals living in the river and the national park.
To complete this task the students would have to use typing skills showing correct spelling for searched topics. They will record there information in a word document. They will print out their documents and file and add to as the lessons progress.
Outcomes for this lesson will be an understanding of the internet and it's value. They will have an understanding of how to brows the net and what key words for the search are needed. They will be able to open and use a word document. The teacher will have to send the documents to the printer as this will be the printer used for the whole school. search engines that could be used are Google earth, for the map and location of the park and rivers.

lesson plan

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Google Earth

Google Earth as a teaching tool has endless possibility. This tool could be used in the teaching of SOSE where the children could explore Australia in real time We could visit Ayers Rock, looking at the pictures, maps surrounds the different colours the rock exposes. This site provides maps of the area. Another area this tool could be used is maths. We could google our school and look at the buildings and measure the area and perimeter of the buildings. A lesson for literacy could be when we visit a small country of the world and compare the size and cultural difference we could design a postcard and write a greeting on the back this would involve two KLAs writing and creative arts.This site could also be just for fun.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Poetry PowerPoint

For a preview of the presentation, please refer to be below object. For the full PowerPoint presentation with animations, please download and view using PowerPoint. You will need to download the Part 1 and Part 2 movie clips in order for the videos to work.

Poetry for Lower Primary

The purpose of this lesson is to teach the students the difference between a story and a poem.
After speaking with children of different ages but all primary age, they stated that poetry was not such an exciting subject because the teacher just said the poem and they discussed the words that rhymed. I decided to make my power point on poetry with a difference and try to engage the students and gain their interest and the result will be a positive learning experience with the use of rhyming words. And the students would have learnt a couple of poems and the difference between a story and a poem (There would be hand out of the complete poem) They will understand that a poem can be story using rhyming words. The student would be asked to make there own short poem.
The steps for my power point.
1. I chose the poems about Butterfly and Caterpillars from the website referenced This website allows the use of the poems for education purposes.
2. I chose pictures from clip art (these are royalty free)
3. I also downloaded a picture of a butterfly that I could turn into a moving animated butterfly I also downloaded multiple pictures of a caterpillar hatching .that I turned into a movie using Window movie maker.
4. The effects I installed to enhance my slides were from customise animation ie. grow/shrink, fly out, float, boomerang, pin-wheel and ease out.
5. The power point was then uploaded to my blog once as a preview as a still slide show using power point presentation 97/2003. so that google Doc's would allow me to embed the presentation to my blog. Then I linked to the original power point by uploading it then getting the link to share. Both are now on my blog to view. One acts as a preview and the other is the one I would use as my presentation for the class with discussion on the poems.
I enjoyed this activity very much I loved making the power point and I feel comfortable using power point as a teaching tool. This tool can be adapted to any subject .I think the hook for the lesson can be made very creative and with more experience and practice of making and adding effects to my power point I will be able to have longer and more in-depth presentations.
Therefore in this activity I have learnt to make a power point make pictures into movies upload to my blog and use a link.